Two totally different types of filtration processes for Hardness. One does not replace the other. Which one is right for you will depend upon your individual water chemistry and individual set of circumstances. Both have benefits and negatives but when you get the right one…it will make a substantial improvement to your water quality…for the rest of your life.
Traditional salt based softeners are still a great tried and true filtration solution. Our softeners can solve several water quality problems all at once. For example Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Manganese Beryllium Uranium etc,. The softeners ion exchange process does this. They “permanently remove” the bad water ions that are causing your problem and exchange them with a small amount of salt. Hence the term ion exchange. The amount of salt introduced into the water is in direct proportion to the amount of Ions being removed…so in virtually all cases using our system, the salt in your water is negligible. Eventually they need to backwash with salt to recharge themselves so they can do it all again. The salt does not soften the water it just the fuel to make the Ion exchange process work. Soft water actually feels silky and different than the unfiltered water you use now and most love that feeling and some people don’t. For those who don’t, we are unique because we can adjust our softness levels to your liking. Few if any systems do this. Salt softeners need to backwash to rejuvenate themselves and that uses water and salt. Ours is proportional so it uses exactly what it needs based upon how you used water. Few if any systems do this too. The big thing to remember between the two is this…A traditional salt based softener permanently removes the bad stuff from the water and eliminates that problem.
Our new E3 No Salt Softeners are also a great choice. They work totally different from a traditional softener. They do not backwash and waste water. They need no salt or resetting of time or electricity to run. They do not add anything to your water. They also do not remove anything. No salt softeners do “not remove hardness” and can only address hardness. For lack of a better way to explain this I will use this explanation. No salt softeners … stun or suspend hardness so it cannot form or stick to piping or plumbing or you. The water feels like it does now … but when cleaning or bathing it does make you feel cleaner and react like its gone. The cool thing about these no salt systems, as we are told, is that they “slowly” and eventually dissolve already formed scale inside your plumbing….softeners do not. This is good and bad. Bad because as your new water runs through your fouled existing pipes so you can easily get hardness residue in your water, especially when boiling water…but its not from the system. Good because over time it will clean out the plumbing…and that is a terrific thing.
Which ever you chose you will have made a substantial improvement to your water quality. You need to know which is right for you and we will guide you when you call.